Warriors Orochi 4 Will Add Olympians as New Characters and New Divine Gameplay Mechanics - Videogames Blogs

Warriors Orochi 4 Will Add Olympians as New Characters and New Divine Gameplay Mechanics

Previously, Famitsu had teased the first major information batch of Warriors Orochi 4 on their Weekly Famitsu magazine which mainly states that the game will have 170 playable characters. Several Japanese game blogs have posted further information found in the magazine, which also has an interview with the game’s producer Masaki Furusawa. We have compiled the information right below.
Warriors Orochi 4 Olympians added as brand-new characters
Furusawa noted that Warriors Orochi 4 development started about 1.5 years ago, from the end of 2016. Which means it’s also confirmed that this game was created in parallel with Warriors All-Stars. Orochi 4 will have a total of 170 playable characters, and five of them will be brand-new characters to the series. However, Furusawa mentioned that collaboration guest characters such as Ninja Gaiden‘s Ryu Hayabusa and others will not return in this game, because the team wants to go back to the roots and focus on building relations between the two main title eras featured in Warriors Orochi: the Chinese Three Kingdoms period of Dynasty Warriors and the Japanese Warring States period of Samurai Warriors.
The five brand-new characters added are teased to be deities from the Greek Twelve Olympians such as Athena or Poseidon, but the first character confirmed among them is Zeus, who will be the new central antagonist of Warriors Orochi 4 as he brings back the parallel world originally created by Orochi.
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