Why Wrecking Ball Is What the Competitive Overwatch Meta Needs Right Now

So, Hero 28 has finally been added to Overwatch: Wrecking Ball. Amidst much speculation, fan-favorite Hammond has finally made his in-game appearance, in a massive metal ball"
Wrecking Ball is a new off-tank hero?some people argue that he could be a main tank, but his shield is only personally effective, so it’s more accurate to class him as an off-tank. His mobility rivals D.Va and Winston, as his ball configuration can reach massive speeds, and his grappling hook can catapult him to huge vertical heights. On top of this, his adaptive shield can temporarily boost his HP to 900, recalling Roadhog’s “Take A Breather,” and his Piledriver animation looks like Seismic Slam on steroids. His ultimate is not to be dismissed either, as it is a powerful area-denial move, which can delete low-HP targets in a tense CP battle. So, let’s examine what impact Wrecking Ball will have on the storm/stun meta.
Hanzo’s nerf?making the duration shorter and cooldown longer for Storm Arrows?alongside the buffs to Soldier, Mccree, Mei, and Sombra, have already changed the way DPS will function next season. Hitscan will finally be resurrected from the dead, and we won’t see as much arrow spam. However, it is the static heroes who will be most affected by Wrecking Ball.
A triple support/dual tank/Hanzo composition will be annihilated by Wrecking Ball. The Brigitte/Rein chokehold, with a Zarya/Hog and Zen/Lucio hanging out in the backline, won’t...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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