WWE Superstar The Big Show Teases Destiny 2’s Next Expansion - Videogames Blogs

WWE Superstar The Big Show Teases Destiny 2’s Next Expansion

A cryptic tweet from WWE superstar Paul Wight, a/k/a The Big Show, teases the wrestler’s involvement in Destiny 2’s as yet untitled second expansion. The Big Show Destiny 2 tease came via this message and picture:

Soon……#Destiny2 Partner pic.twitter.com/Y19YOnCxXK
? ?The Big Show? Paul Wight (@WWETheBigShow) April 5, 2018

How do we know he’s referring to Expansion 2" For one, the timing makes it really tough to be anything else. Bungie is expected to reveal the next DLC soon, as it’s set to launch in May. We doubt he’d be teasing being a Destiny 2 partner right now if he wasn’t going to be part of the game until the fall expansion later this year.
Second, Wight is pointing to his shirt, which sports a Warmind logo. Destiny fans know that Expansion 2 will center on the Warminds in some way. Warminds are hyper-complex AI systems that were originally intended to strategically defend humanity during the Golden Age. The logo for the DLC has been shown to be that exact same Warmind symbol before. Without any real obvious involvement in the Destiny 2 story up to this point, we’re expecting the story to center on Rasputin and/or Charlemagne, two warminds that seemingly survived the collapse. The Big Show Destiny 2 tease has the man pointing at himself and his shirt, so the prevailing theory is that he’ll be the voice of the Warmind. Rasputin did speak in Destiny 1, but it was all in Russian and amounted to little m...
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