Yakuza Kiwami 2’s Latest Trailer is Action-Packed Madness - Videogames Blogs

Yakuza Kiwami 2’s Latest Trailer is Action-Packed Madness

Yakuza Kiwami 2 hit store shelves in Japan late last year. This summer will finally see the Yakuza 2 remake launch globally, giving fans a chance to relive the magic. Yet, there is more than to it than simply embarking on nostalgia trip. This release also features enhanced gameplay elements and new narrative beats for players to explore. ?The Truth of Majima Goro” is one such additional scenario, which will also introduce characters not seen in Yakuza 2. For instance, Makoto Makimura did not have a role in Yakuza 2, but is integral to Majima’s character arc in Yakuza 0. New characters will debut in the franchise with this forthcoming release, as well.
Kiwami 2 picks up about a year after the events of the first game, whose remake is Yakuza Kiwami. Once again, trouble finds Kazuma Kiryu, aka The Dragon of Dojima. Despite being a former Yakuza member, Kiryu must intervene in what could turn into a war between two rival clans, the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance. In addition to this arduous duty, he’s also tasked with aiding the Tojo as they attempt to instate a new chairman. Of course, it is not Yakuza if madness doesn’t ensue. It’s the fun of the series, though, and undoubtedly the reason the franchise is nearly ten games deep. Yakuza Kiwami 2 releases on PS4 later this summer on August 28.
The post Yakuza Kiwami 2’s Latest Trailer is Action-Packed Madness appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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