Dezaemon Kids! - Videogames Blogs

Dezaemon Kids!

Dezaemon Kids! is a unique sequel in a series that lets users create, play, and share shooting games. This version has a simplified pictorial editing interface with upgraded level designs and over 100 sample games that are worth the price of admission alone. Aspiring designers can draw their characters or simply select from a collection of pre-made images. A level-design engine can craft the game around your world vision. Parallax-scrolling and vertical shooters are the program's strengths and clever designers will be able to program very intricate games. This version includes a fully-voiced tutorial, simplified interface, a huge amount of sample data, a horizontal scroll option, and 2-player simultaneous play options. Best of all, your purchase includes 102 great sample games, of which, Kagero is flat-out awesome. Please note: this game is a direct Japanese import. Although text is limited, the language is Japanese. Help can be found at

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