Evergreen Avenue - Videogames Blogs

Evergreen Avenue

Welcome to a world where spirits and magic were once threaded into the very fabric of reality. Tragically, this reality slowly unwove itself as the spirits lost their influence over this realm. Eventually, all relations were cut between the spirit world and the land of the living. Now, the king of spirits contemplates reforging the time-splintered bonds. He has chosen to send seven spirits to the humble northern town of Moldelvia where they will find a human guide to facilitate their reentry to this plane of existence. Evergreen Avenue is a unique simulation game where you choose between a male (Catan) or female (Ira) character and help the seven spirits learn the ways of humanity by scheduling special weekly sessions where you play mini games to determine your worth. From time to time, special events will pop up and give you even more opportunity to coax the spirits to join you in your world.
URL: http://blog.us.playstation.com/

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