Bloodlines 2 Character Reveal Trailer - Videogames Blogs

Bloodlines 2 Character Reveal Trailer

Sired in an act of vampire terrorism, your existence ignites the war for Seattle's blood trade. Enter uneasy alliances with the creatures who control the city and uncover the sprawling conspiracy which plunged Seattle into a bloody civil war between powerful vampire factions.

We?re excited to announce that Damsel, everyone?s favorite Brujah from the original Bloodlines, will make an appearance in Bloodlines 2. Since the 2000s, when she organized Anarch resistance against the Camarilla in Los Angeles, Damsel has moved up the coast to Seattle. In Seattle, she is on a mission for the Anarch Free State, agitating among the city?s downtrodden Kindred.
Source: Xbox

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