Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One Release Date Announcement | PS4 - Videogames Blogs

Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One Release Date Announcement | PS4

Free for all Elite Dangerous players, Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One makes its way onto PlayStation 4 on February 27.

Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One is the first update of Elite Dangerous? third season, following the Thargoids devastating assault on humanity?s starports.

Beyond advances the ongoing player-driven narrative and introduces a variety of enhancements, upgrading the gameplay experience whether players prefer to trade, fight or explore in Elite Dangerous? massively multiplayer galaxy. Chapter One features a range of game-improving updates, including changes to the engineering mechanics, the introduction of GalNet Audio, an overhaul of mission rewards, and an altered crime and punishment system. The update will also allow Elite Dangerous: Horizons commanders to fly a new Alliance warship: the Chieftain.?????

Source: PlayStation
URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayStation

This Week on Xbox: October 26, 2018
