Going Under - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch - Videogames Blogs

Going Under - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch

Going Under is available now on Nintendo Switch: https://nintendo.com/games/detail/going-under-switch/

Battle through procedurally generated roguelike ruins of failed tech startups in Going Under from Aggro Crab Games and Team17. Get creative and wield office junk as weaponry as you make your way through dungeons beneath your company campus.

Official website: https://aggrocrab.com/Going-Under

Follow Aggro Crab on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aggrocrabgames
Follow Team17 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Team17Ltd
Like Team17 on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Team17/

About Team17 Group plc Founded in 1990, Team17 Group plc is a leading international video games label and creative partner for independent developers. The portfolio comprises over 100 games, including The Escapists,?Overcooked,?Yoku?s Island Express,?Yooka-Laylee, the?Worms?franchise and many more from developers around the world. For more info visit http://team17.com
#GoingUnder #NintendoSwitch

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Source: Nintendo
URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nintendo

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