Just Cause 4 ? Gamescom 2018: Tornado Gameplay Reveal | PS4

In Just Cause 4, gigantic Tornados rip through the destructible world, tear airplanes out of the sky, and send huge pieces of debris spiralling through the air. This is not only visually stunning, but they open up unique and brand new gameplay opportunities that just aren?t available in any other video game. Thanks to the new Apex Engine, you?ve never seen anything like this before! #justcause4 #bringthethunder
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JUST CAUSE 4 © 2018 Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved. Developed by Avalanche Studios AB. Just Cause, EIDOS, the EIDOS logo, SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Square Enix group of companies. Avalanche and the Avalanche logo are trademarks of Fatalist Entertainment AB.
Source: PlayStation
URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayStation
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GRIP: Combat Racing - Launch Trailer | PS4 |