Our First Time Playing Donkey Kong Arcade - Nintendo Minute - Videogames Blogs

Our First Time Playing Donkey Kong Arcade - Nintendo Minute

Happy Friday! Today we attempt (emphasis on the word attempt) to play the original Donkey Kong. This game is really what started it all so it?s been really cool to learn more about and really just play it more now that it?s on Nintendo Switch. There?s also a really great Treehouse Live segment featuring Don James who played a really fun role when this game originally came out that we?ll link here: https://goo.gl/U8932x

Let us know if you?ve had a chance to check out this game and what your high score is. As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you next week!
-Kit & Krysta

#NintendoMinute #DonkeyKong

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