Our Nintendo Labo Creation - Nintendo Minute - Videogames Blogs

Our Nintendo Labo Creation - Nintendo Minute

Hi Everyone, happy Nintendo Labo launch day!! Today we experiment a little bit with Nintendo Labo and create something fun and of course Nintendo Minute-related using the RC car from the Variety Kit. This is really the basics of what you can do with Nintendo Labo and we?re so excited to see what you guys will come up with. If you do invent something cool, we?d love to see it. Please share it with us here: https://labo.nintendo.com/share/. As always, thank you so much for watching and we?ll see you next week!

-Kit & Krysta

Nintendo Labo is available now: http://bit.ly/2DvzirC
#NintendoMinute #NintendoSwitch #NintendoLabo

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