Spin the Wheel! w/ Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Nintendo Minute - Videogames Blogs

Spin the Wheel! w/ Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Nintendo Minute

Hi! This week we?re kicking off our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate video series. We thought we?d do something really fun and maybe a little crazy" We made a wheel with some interesting challenges. We?re going to spin the wheel to determine which challenge to face in-game.
Every week until launch on Dec. 7, we?ll have a new Nintendo Minute episode on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. We really hope you?ll stay with us for the whole series. As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you next week!

-Kit & Krysta

Learn more about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! https://goo.gl/EqyQpc
#NintendoMinute #SmashBrosUltimate

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Source: Nintendo
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