Turn Down Time Into Fun Time - New Nintendo 2DS XL - Videogames Blogs

Turn Down Time Into Fun Time - New Nintendo 2DS XL

Make summer even better with New Nintendo 2DS XL, the latest handheld gaming system from Nintendo. Your kids can chill out with Link in The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds OR crush road trips and crush baddies in Super Mario 3D Land. So turn down time into fun time with your favorite characters in great Nintendo 3DS games starting at $19.99, and Nintendo 2DS systems starting at $79.99.

Learn more about New Nintendo 2DS XL! https://www.nintendo.com/3ds

#Nintendo3DS #NN2DSXL #SuperMario3DLand #LegendofZelda #ALinkBetweenWorlds
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Source: Nintendo
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