Unboxing ALL LEGO Super Mario sets coming Aug. 1! - Videogames Blogs

Unboxing ALL LEGO Super Mario sets coming Aug. 1!

Nintendo Minute is never a minute! Today we?re doing something very exciting. We?re unboxing everything LEGO Super Mario launching on August 1. This includes the starter course, many expansion sets, and more. LEGO Super Mario is so cool and so different than other LEGO sets. LEGO Mario is super interactive and so expressive with his eyes and mouth. We hope you?re as excited as we are for this to launch. As always, thanks so much for watching and we?ll see you soon!

For more videos like this, check these out!
https://www.youtube.com/watch"v=pmTjdPoORQw https://www.youtube.com/watch"v=zPLu2z6yB5k

-Kit & Krysta

#NintendoMinute #LegoSuperMario

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Source: Nintendo
URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nintendo

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