The Fall of zaq - The Roaring 20s
Continuing with my Fall of zaq series, here are the seeds I checked out that didn't make the cut: zaq33All Biomes, Boring -- some nice river valleys zaq32All Biomes, Boring -- tons of trees [-219.83.21] village, x11, guard tower, water well, built on hill, near other village (due west across desert) zaq31All Biomes, Boring -- one giant cove, land mostly on east side of map in one big long strip zaq30All Biomes, Boring zaq29All Biomes, Boring [-358.65.-48] sweet cave zaq28All Biomes, Boring [314.66.-270] x2 dead drops into underground ravine zaq27All Biomes, Boring [0.96.0] small extreme mountain biome zaq26All Biomes, Boring [355.26.148] nice ravine and cave system zaq25Handful of islands, one nice jungle island zaq24All Biomes, Boring zaq23A few cool spots [-125.36.274] dungeon, zombies, x8 red stone, x4 gun powder [-372.98.148] medium floater
[263.71.-10] cliff dive into deep ravine, Y=16] zaq22Remote archipelago with tons of water [260.90.396] small floating mushroom island
[-344.151.19] huge mushroom island
Source: Xbox Minecraft Seed
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