TU12 Seed & Map: zaq34 - Videogames Blogs

TU12 Seed & Map: zaq34

Total VRIM Score30.4 / 40.0 ( 76.0% ) Individual Scores (MAX: 10.0)VIS8.8 REAL7.5 INT10.0 MAG4.1
Photos Map
Rating Beginner Intermediate ++ Advanced ++ Expert Suicidal Expert Nightmare Technical DetailsSeed Number: 115 669 515
Version: XBL 1.5 (TU12) (PC equiv 1.2.3) NotesSweet seed. The vast amount of space dedicated to one biome (extreme mountains) is a big plus for me, but for those of you who want more trees and other biomes, they're there but you have to go to the northeast corner of the map to get them. Villages [84.70.-220] village, x2, blacksmith, water well, guard tower, x2 gold Underground [-395.39.-331] good medium cave [-60.28.-314] dungeon, zombie, x2 chests [359.14.123] x6 diamonds [62.28.122] x6 gold [60.35.125] ender portal, x3 eyes Above Ground [-176.90.343] medium mushroom island [-353.73.183] two small floaters [-81.64.-322] medium flat desert island, sugar cane [278.61.-369] medium cave complex, big coal and iron [373.70.85] abandoned water well [360.65.97] pitfall/dead drop cave, Y=12 [152.66.-81] dead drop, Y=47 [144.74.-48] large erosion [139.108.-48] large floater [197.65.-234] medium open air ravine [-16.83.-120] two medium land bridges, dark waterfall, daywalkers [-68.107.-33] large land bridge [-199.101.105] medium flat floater [-242.64.138] secret cave
URL: http://xboxminecraftseed.blogspot.com

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