TU12 Seed & Map: zaq42

Total VRIM Score26.1 / 40.0 ( 65.3% ) Individual Scores (MAX: 10.0)VIS4.5 REAL4.8 INT10.0 MAG6.8
Photos Map
Rating Beginner Intermediate ++ Advanced ++ Expert Suicidal Expert Nightmare Technical DetailsSeed Number: 115 669 554
Version: XBL 1.5 (TU12) (PC equiv 1.2.3) NotesAll biomes, but this one has some cool things to see. There's a pool in a cave that has just a single shaft of light illuminating it, some nice underground stuffs like x-shaped ravines, and a huge wide-open nether. Villages n/a Underground [-167.37.123] deep large cavern [181.40.135] ender portal, x1 eye Above Ground [72.91.264] tall waterfall, small floater inside crater [182.64.351] secret cove inside huge crater [321.67.347] lava pit [298.64.214] small open air ravine [371.69.34] deep crater [369.98.-68] four small floaters, good coal [312.71.-85] hidden deep cave, Y=12, x2 gold [309.88.-166] small thick land bridge [394.87.-258] hidden nook, pumpkins [358.64.-235] small ravine [-298.74.4] cool mountain valley [-314.64.-36] lava pit [-324.93.60] cliff dive spot [-160.65.320] small open air ravine [-112.74.206] large mostly flat desert [-203.64.105] "The Heavenly Pool" [150.79.-180] nice deep cave [237.72.-89] epic cliff dive into x-shaped ravine, Y=23
Source: Xbox Minecraft Seed
URL: http://xboxminecraftseed.blogspot.com
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