TU12 Seed & Map: zaq53 - Videogames Blogs

TU12 Seed & Map: zaq53

Total VRIM Score22.0 / 40.0 ( 55.0% ) Individual Scores (MAX: 10.0)VIS4.4 REAL6.8 INT7.5 MAG3.3
Photos Map
Rating ++ Beginner ++ Intermediate Advanced Expert Suicidal Expert Nightmare Technical DetailsSeed Number: 115 669 576
Version: XBL 1.5 (TU12) (PC equiv 1.2.3) NotesA double dose of dungeons and a lot of flatland make this a great place to raise a small village. Villages [372.70.-189] village, x2, water well, blacksmith, guard tower, x1 gold [-252.75.325] village, x2, blacksmith, water well Underground [-174.13.331] underground lava cavern [14.39.93] ender portal, x1 eye [16.46.75] dungeon, skeleton, bottom of ravine, x2 chests, x9 gunpowder, x4 red stone Above Ground [372.71.-351] open air dungeon, zombies, x1 chest [384.91.-285] desert mountain island [372.65.-40] medium cave [340.70.309] abandoned water well [93.69.345] dead drop to nowhere [-375.72.252] small dried river valley [-318.69.-382] superflat grassland [79.64.-32] medium overhang [85.64.67] great sea tunnel, abandoned water well [197.74.84] medium floater
URL: http://xboxminecraftseed.blogspot.com

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